

(the following content was original in Chinese, I found part of it quite helpful so translated it into English and slightly changed some details to put here.)
Choose Material
Finishing material and interior design are inseparable, I learnt something about "Green Material", which means, the material has a good environmentally compatibility under the premise of meeting the standard function requirements, it's able to achieve best use on resource and least pollution on environment in processing of making, using and final disposing.

Interior designer must pay full attention on choosing harmless、 fireproof and anti-pollution materials, as far as possible to use degradable material which achieves "reuse and remake of resources". Designer must set eco-design as the starting point and gradually increase the number of natural elements in the design, make the interior  closer to nature.

When choosing the material, be careful of the following principles:

(1) Choose the materials accord to actual situations. For example we must choose lowest-polluted materials for school in order to ensure the air quality in the classroom; but for warehouse, it requires lower air quality so that we can choose low cost materials.

(2) Do not choose the materials which need to be reprocessed, try to avoid secondary pollution.

(3) Better to buy local production or name-brand architectural construction materials in order to ensure the quality of the materials.

(4) As far as possible to use recyclable material which was made of renewable raw materials. It can reduce solid waste and energy cost in manufacturing industry, and save natural resources as well.

(5) Try to avoid using material which brings radioactive contamination.

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