


In 21 century, the continuous consumption of materials and the growing amount of rubbish, they are not on a balanced state, and both of them are damaging the natural environment. Thinking of the video which was played in lesson, told the condition nowadays is a vicious circle, demand always exceeds supply. As a result, the Sustainable design is more popular.

What I have understand from the course is there are four elements of sustainable design, they are nature, social, economy and technique.
Nature: Discover a better ecological system to support the completeness of life and make human's living environment to be last longer and longer.
Social: Improve people's quality of live within the natural  environment's tolerance.
Economy: For this aspect, I couldn't really make those relation clear, it seems a little complicated to describe, I only know that the sustainable design maximum the net advantage for people.
Technique: it's cleaner and more effective, it makes less consumption of natural resource, and the final product produces less rubbish.

From the course, I've learnt more on how to classify and use those materials. The most important thing is it keep reminding me to consider how to combine the design with the nature; how to improve a green life for human. During the lesson, the subject-matter is more related to textiles, but the concept of them are more or less the same.

At present, interior design is not only about physical environment such as sound, light and air, but also people's mental environment. A space now, it must cater to customer's psychological need, vision and feeling are indispensable to it. Therefore, different new technical materials to be produced. The use of new material and technique change the way of design and improve the health of living area, and then expand to the whole environment.

In the research process, all the theory materialize become pictures and real things over the world, I could factually feel the effect and knew what is a sustainable design deeper. Found out how important it is in our daily life, then it gave me more attraction to let myself go into it.

However, from my own way of thinking and concern,I found myself always focus on REUSE rather than on other aspect; I read through my blog, 80% of content are about how to change old stuffs into a totally new thing, feels less research on real ecological design. I think I must expand my view to a higher level, such as the new materials in interior area, also its provenance and property. Keep an eye on the mega-trend is absolutely important for a designer.


(the following content was original in Chinese, I found part of it quite helpful so translated it into English and slightly changed some details to put here.)
Choose Material
Finishing material and interior design are inseparable, I learnt something about "Green Material", which means, the material has a good environmentally compatibility under the premise of meeting the standard function requirements, it's able to achieve best use on resource and least pollution on environment in processing of making, using and final disposing.

Interior designer must pay full attention on choosing harmless、 fireproof and anti-pollution materials, as far as possible to use degradable material which achieves "reuse and remake of resources". Designer must set eco-design as the starting point and gradually increase the number of natural elements in the design, make the interior  closer to nature.

When choosing the material, be careful of the following principles:

(1) Choose the materials accord to actual situations. For example we must choose lowest-polluted materials for school in order to ensure the air quality in the classroom; but for warehouse, it requires lower air quality so that we can choose low cost materials.

(2) Do not choose the materials which need to be reprocessed, try to avoid secondary pollution.

(3) Better to buy local production or name-brand architectural construction materials in order to ensure the quality of the materials.

(4) As far as possible to use recyclable material which was made of renewable raw materials. It can reduce solid waste and energy cost in manufacturing industry, and save natural resources as well.

(5) Try to avoid using material which brings radioactive contamination.


Almost forgot there was a group work of reuse and redesign in the our DRS Class, I think I can put that work here.

In my group, there are Joyce Zhao, Vanessa Choy and I, three members, this work was done by us.

The tutor told us to buy a less than £10 thing from Portobello Road, then redesign it to an item which has totally different function and shape. So after hours walk, we decided to buy a leather suitcase (£15).
I took the suitcase home. We discussed to draw our own ideas by ourselves and find a day come to my house and finish the final design together. We thought many stuffs it could be such as hat, chair or brush pot? Too much that I can't remember them all, but most of them were childish......

The final idea we all agreed with was slipper (I remembered it was from Vanessa?). The reason why was out from me, let me show you the relevance: suitcase→travel→hotel→slipper!!!! What's more, because of convenience which people all require nowadays, I decided to make the slipper foldable, so it could be easily packing and taking away, and that textured leather also provide us a good reason to make slippers.
                                        The Process↑↑↑
This is the final outcome, when you unfold it, it will become a cross-shape piece of leather. And the suitcase finally become a "frame"(╯▽╰)


Ken Yeang

"Ken Yeang is a Malaysian architector, and writer best known for advancing green design and planning, differentiated from other green architects by his comprehensive ecological approach." ----Wikipedia

After looking at his work, I truly understand what is eco-design, i think it's actually one part of sustainable design, not like other said they are the same. The eco-design seems pay more attention on human's mental feeling, it combines nature and metropolis, give the concrete and metal some natural and soft elements, which let people relax and feel comfortable to stay there. It's very helpful to those people who works so hard and under much pressure in the city.

Back to Ken Yeang, his "green building" is widely known by the people. In his design, plant vegetables, trees and flowers on building and makes building become a large green creature.