
Draft: Story Board**

1.A day just like normal, waiting for lift and should getting in the class in time.

2.Inside the lift, watch the number rising, it's almost there. Suddenly the lift shaken and a strong light appears which make my eyes blind for a while.What's happened?
3.When I eventually opened my eyes, the door of lift is opened. It's a bit dark outside, like many dust floating in the air, a very strange atmosphere. I can feel there is something wrong.

4.I left the lift and stand in the corridor, thinking that maybe it's just my illusion as today is quite cloudy, maybe the light is broken. I start walking to the classroom.Go through many doors, passed a wall with big windows,it's too quiet like no people in this building. My studio is in front of me now~

5.I open the door of my classroom, it is not my classroom! This is a room with many medical instruments and I suddenly aware of the smell of disinfectant. Where am I ? I can't stay calm and running towards the direction to lift. Then I see a people sit there, lowered her head so I can't see her face and I don't want to see, I didn't see anyone a minute ago when I came. I am now terrified of this unusual situation.

6.I keep running and running but it's like a maze, wherever I go is a corridor, where is my lift ?? I run aimlessly like someone is chasing me. Find the staircase so go upstairs and downstairs, left and right, front and back, where is the end !

7.I don't know how many days has passed, I gradually make the things clear that I back to the past of our school, but not the real past, it's more like a hell, and I am not dreaming. There's no alive and real people, I won't hungry and thirsty, I can't go outside, and the lift which took me here is already disappeared because it's not exist in this time. I am alone in this place.
I will be stuck in this twisted space.

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