
for assesment**

“I am going to do 3D Spatial” is not a decision I made on the spur of the moment, I have discussed it with my parents several months ago. I love art and design no matter it is Vis Com, 3D or any others in Art. I have studied Textiles, Photography and Graphic Design in A’Level and also studied some about Fine Art before 12. So when my parents asked me that “why don’t you do something you have never touched before” and recommended me of Interior Design, I suddenly saw the light! And by the way, I just realized that my contact with interior design was very early because my father’s first job was as an interior designer and he also has a crazy passion for art, so he was glad to show me his work and talk to me about it, although I was not really understand the structure and materials at that time. Perhaps those early communications really into my mind as a result I accepted this suggestion so quickly.

I liked drawing aimlessly on paper when I was very young and my parents found I could draw perfect lines and circles, so then I began to take part in more formal lessons in Art, which was the start of my artistic youth. Undoubtedly, my spare time has been full of art since then and I am really willing to continue. From kindergarten to primary school I achieved some Fine Arts medals. So many years have passed; if I look back at my “young work”, I feel it looks so stupid but I also know these represented my emotions. Nowadays my passions and knowledge for art are becoming deeper and clearer; from just painting, to using skills which develop more interesting ideas.

When I was in Shanghai, I read a lot of magazines and books about interior design because my new house was being furnished and decorated at that time. My father asked me to join the decoration team and tried to give as much advice as I could, he also took me along to the material market to select things for our house, I learnt so much from that short trip and  maybe it was this “trip” waked my interest in Interior Design. I started to repaint the drawings of interior of a house which I found at home after that, and changed them to the one I dreamed of. Those are really amateur works but I felt so happy with satisfied.

I used to apply for BA course in Interior Design but then found there is a range of specific skills required and most of them I haven’t learnt and touched yet. For that reason, I come to foundation and want to learn the basic skills in order to express my idea more clearly and as a preparation for the BA course. Therefore, you can see the decision to choose 3D Spatial in Foundation course has not been difficult to me because I am here for it. I am quite sure about what I want and which way I should go for, I am not confused.

I treat this choice as a challenge because it is new to me, a teacher told me that a challenge not always push people forward, it sometimes do move people back. I agree with it but this love of art has been in existence for 19 years and it will last for a very long time, I am not afraid of challenge. The only thing I always do and will also do for this is trying my best to achieve the standard which I have set myself, step by step. I won’t regret this choice.

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